San Tin Technopole (including the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park in the Loop)
- Located at the heart of the Northern Metropolis and in close proximity to Shenzhen's innovation and technology (I&T) zone in Huangang and Futian, San Tin Technopole will become a hub for clustered I&T development that creates synergy with Shenzhen I&T Zone. Besides, it will contribute to the development of the South-North dual engine (finance - I&T) for Hong Kong, and become a new community for quality, healthy and green living.
- The Planning Department and the Civil Engineering and Development Department jointly commissioned a study in October 2021 to formulate a Recommended Outline Development Plan proposing land uses for the area outside the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park (HSITP) in the Loop. The statutory planning process completed in September 2024.
- Site formation and engineering infrastructure works for development of the San Tin Technopole Phase 1 Stage 1 commenced in December 2024. It is expected that the first population intake will be in 2031.
- The Government has commenced a consultancy study on the development plan for the new land for I&T use in the San Tin area with a view to recommending specific I&T industries/areas and their positioning in the I&T ecological chain (i.e. upstream (research and development), midstream (prototype, application) or downstream (manufacturing processes) for development at different land parcels, the required infrastructure and supporting facilities, etc.
- The HSITP in the Loop is under construction and the first three buildings are being completed gradually from end-2024 onwards.
- For details, please refer to the study's website:
Revised Recommended Outline Development Plan
I&T Park (located mostly to the north of San Tin Highway/Fanling Highway)
- Together with the HSITP at the Loop, San Tin Technopole has a total development area of over 600 ha, half (300 ha) of it will be I&T land. The I&T land are capable of accommodating about 7 million square metres of gross floor area, equivalent to 17 Science Parks, and comparable to the size of the 300 ha I&T zone in Shenzhen on the other side of the Shenzhen River.
- This showcases the determination of the Government to promote I&T, as well as to develop the Northern Metropolis into a “new international I&T city”.
- We have designed connected land parcels of different sizes, including some sizable ones, to provide flexibility so as to cater for I&T facilities of different scales. We have provided maximum flexibility under the land use zones for I&T land.
- Site formation for the first batch of I&T land commence in end 2024. The target is to deliver about 20 hectares of new I&T sites in phases, beginning in 2026‑27, for the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation’s development and operation.
- The I&T Park will be served by two major cross-boundary rail links, namely the proposed Northern Link (NOL) Spur Line passing through San Tin Technopole and the HSITP at the Loop connecting to the new Huanggang Port, and the existing Lok Ma Chau Spur Line with Lok Ma Chau Station.
San Tin Town Centre (located to the south of San Tin Highway/Fanling Highway)
- Will supply about 50 000 public and private housing units, mostly within 500m walking distance from the San Tin Station.
- The area is planned as a self-sufficient, integrated neighbourhood with comprehensive public and community facilities including an iconic recreational and cultural complex, government, institution and community facilities. It can also provide support for the needs of the I&T Park.
- Built around the proposed San Tin Station of the NOL Main Line, San Tin Town Centre is the intersection of the NOL Main Line and Spur Line. There are four major roads connecting with the surrounding areas (viz. San Tin Highway, Fanling Highway, San Sham Road and the proposed Northern Metropolis Highway).