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NTN NT and LW/MKT has three boundary control points/ports and has the potential to develop various economic uses and promote emerging industries.
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KTN/FLN NDA mainly provides housing supply; land is also reserved for a Government joint-user office and a joint-user complex to drive development of the area. Besides, the Long Valley Nature Park in the NDA is making good progress and is expected to be open for public in 2024.
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MTL area can serve as an intersection linking Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park and KTN NDA, relevant study has commenced.
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Boundary Commerce and Industry Zone

Note: The development project boundary, alignment and station location of railway and major roads projects under-planning as shown are indicative only. The exact boundary, alignment and station location are subject to further review. For cross-boundary railway projects, the associated alignment and station location are subject to further discussion with Mainland authorities.

New Territories North New Town (NTN NT) and Lo Wu/Man Kam To (LW/MKT)

  • NTN NT and LW/MKT area under planning is mainly occupied by villages, agricultural land, and brownfield operations such as workshops and warehouses. Through holistic planning with urban design and provision of adequate supporting infrastructure facilities, the development potential of the area will be fully unleashed with more efficient use of abandoned agricultural land and brownfield sites that will be released for building new communities and improving the environment.
  • NTN NT and LW/MKT area has three boundary control points/ports, namely Lo Wu, Man Kam To and Heung Yuen Wai, with an area of about 1,500 hectares. It has the potential to develop various economic uses, and promote industrial/advanced manufacturing industry, emerging industries including food technology, advanced construction industry, modern logistics, etc. It can complement with the innovation and technology industry in San Tin Technopole, connect with the development of Luohu District in Shenzhen, and provide different types of employment opportunities for the residents of the Northern Metropolis.
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