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HSK/HT NDA, with its proximity to Qianhai, will become a "modern service centre".
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High-end Professional Services and Logistics Hub

Note: The development project boundary, alignment and station location of railway and major roads projects under-planning as shown are indicative only. The exact boundary, alignment and station location are subject to further review. For cross-boundary railway projects, the associated alignment and station location are subject to further discussion with Mainland authorities.

Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area (HSK/HT NDA)

  • This NDA is located on the west of the Northern Metropolis and near the Shenzhen Bay Port. With its geographical proximity to Qianhai, this NDA will be connected with Qianhai by the Hong Kong- Shenzhen Western Rail Link under planning. It will also be connected with the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands by railway and subsequently with the Hong Kong Island and the airport. The HSK/HT NDA can interconnect with the Qianhai Cooperation Zone to become a “modern service centre”, providing professional services and modern logistics as well as serving as a regional commercial centre.
  • The works for the First Phase Development of HSK/HT NDA have commenced in 2020 and the population intake for the first batch of public housing development is expected in 2024. The Government gazetted the road works and sewerage works under the Second Phase Development in September 2022. Target commencement date of the site formation and infrastructure works is early 2024 for completion by phases from 2030 to 2032, subject to funding approval of the Finance Committee of Legislative Council.
  • As a modern service centre, HSK/HT NDA will provide not less than 2 million square meters of commercial floor area. Among them, a number of commercial sites is planned adjoining the Hung Shui Kiu Station (around 10.6 hectares), together with other sites for commercial/residential development, can provide more than 1 million square metres of commercial floor area. With site formation work of these sites scheduled for completion in 2026, the properties can be completed in 2030, thereby driving the economic development of the entire area. We have also reserved land in HSK/HT NDA and Yuen Long South to support multiple industrial users ranging from logistics and port back-up uses, vehicle servicing and maintenance, construction of modular integrated construction units, to modern manufacturing. Some of the land can be used for the development of multi-storey buildings (MSBs).
  • The Government aims at rolling out the sites near the Yuen Long Innopark and in HSK for the development of MSBs as early as possible for tender progressively. They offer over 720,000 square metres of floor space, of which about 220,000 square metres can be used for accommodating affected brownfield operators.
  • For detailed information on HSK/HT NDA, please refer to the following website:
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